2020 - présent
Lamglait, B., L. Van Driessche, M. Jalenques, V. Brodeur, J. Taillon, P. Delnatte, S. D. Côté et S. Lair. 2024. Comparison between etorphine-xylazine with or without butorphanol and butorphanol-azaperone-medetomidine (BAM-II) for the anesthesia of free-rangin muskox (Ovibos moschatus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, sous presse.
Le Corre, M., F. Dargent, V. Grimes, J. Wright, S. D. Côté, M. Reich, J.-N. Candau, M. Miller, B. Holmes, C. Bataille et K. Britton. 2024. An ensemble machine learning bioavailable strontium isoscape for Eastern Canada. Facets, sous presse.
Atmeh, K., C. Bonenfant, J.-M. Gaillard, M. Garel, A. J. M. Hewison, P. Marchand, N. Morellet, P. Anderwald, B. Buuveibaatar, J. L. Beck, M. S. Becker, F. M. van Beest, J. Berg, U. A. Bergvall, R. B. Boone, M. S. Boyce, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, Y. Chaval, C. Buyanaa, D. Christianson, S. Ciuti, S. D. Côté et al. 2024. Neonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores. Nature Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02565-8.
Déry, F., S. Hamel et S. D. Côté. 2024. Linking proximate drivers and fitness returns of vigilance in a large ungulate. Oikos: e10879. DOI: 10.1111/oik.10879.
De Pierre, D., F. Déry, A. Asselin, P. Leighton, S. D. Côté et J.-P. Tremblay. 2024. Evaluation of acaricide treatments to experimentally manipulate winter tick load in moose. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 48: e1559. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1559.
Michaud, A., K. S. White, S. Hamel, J. H. Richard et S. D. Côté. 2024. Of goats and heat, the differential impact of summer temperature on habitat selection and activity patterns in mountain goats of different ecotypes. Oecologia, 206 : 359-379. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-024-05633-9.
Saulnier-Talbot, E., E. Duchesne, D. Antoniades, D. Arseneault, C. Barnard, D. Berteaux, N. Bhiry, F. Bouchard, S. Boudreau, K. Cazelles, J. Comte, M.-Z. Corbeil-Robitaille, S. D. Côté, R.-M. Couture, G. de la Fontaine, F. Dominé, D. Fauteux, D. Fortier, M. Garneau, G. Gauthier, D. Gravel, I. Laurion, M. Lavoie, N. Lecomte, P. Legagneux, E. Lévesque, M.-J. Naud, M. Paquette, S. Payette, R. Pienitz, M. Rautio, A. Roy, A. Royer, M. Simard, W. Vincent et J. Bêty. 2024. Expert elicitation of state shifts and divergent sensitivities to climate warming across northern ecosystems. Communications Earth and Environment, 5: 624. DOI: 10.1038/s43247-024-01791-z.
Vuillaume, B., M. Leblond, M. Festa-Bianchet et S. D. Côté. 2024. Relating morphological traits to population size in four migratory caribou populations across North America. Ecology and Evolution, 14: e70468. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.70468.
Trottier-Lavoie, M., J. Prunier, W. Poisson, A. Carrier, I. Gilbert, G. Mastromonaco, V. Albert, C. Hernandez, V. Bourret, J. Taillon, A. Droit, S. D. Côté et C. Robert. 2024. Validation of a 60K SNP chip for caribou (Rangifer tarandus) for use in wildlife forensics, conservation, and management. Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments, 6: 100093. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsiae.2024.100093.
Turgeon, R., F. Pelletier, S. D. Côté, M. Festa-Bianchet et S. Hamel. 2024. Sporadic events have a greater influence on the dynamics of small isolated populations than density-dependence and environmental conditions. American Naturalist, 204: 574-588. DOI: 10.1086/732876.
Barnas, A., B. Anholt, C. Burton, K. Carroll, S. D. Côté, M. Festa-Bianchet, J. M. Fryxell, M.-H. St-Laurent et J. Fisher. 2024. The influence of habitat alteration on density of invading white-tailed deer should not be discounted. Global Change Biology, 30: e17498. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17498.
Cars, B., C. Kessler, E. A. Hoffman, S. D. Côté, D. Koelsch et A. B. A. Shafer. 2024. Island demographics and trait associations in white-tailed deer. Heredity, 133: 1-10. DOI: 10.1038/s41437-024-00685-2.
Pouchet, C., C. Fernandez-Prada, C. Dussault, M. Leclerc, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2024. Variation in prevalence and intensity of macroparasites in moose and their interactions with winter tick load in eastern Canada. Wildlife Biology: e01205. DOI: 10.1002/wlb3.01205.
Wu, B., Q. Ren, X. Yan, F. Zhao, T. Qin, P. Xin, X. Cui, K. Wang, R. Du, K. H. Røed, S. D. Côté, G. Yannic, Z. Li et Q. Qiu. 2024. Resequencing of reindeer genomes provides clues to their docile habits. Evolution Letters : qrae006. DOI: 10.1093/evlett/qrae006.
De Pierre, D., P. A. Leighton, S. D. Côté et J.-P. Tremblay. 2024. Variation in body condition of moose calves facing contrasting winter severity and tick loads. Canadian Journal of Zoology: e-First. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2023-014.
Pouchet, C., C. Fernandez-Prada, C. Dussault, M. Leclerc, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2024. Linking weather conditions and winter tick abundance in moose. Journal of Wildlife Management: e22551. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22551.
Michelot, C., M. Leclerc, J. Taillon, C. Dussault, J. Hénault Richard et S. D. Côté. 2024. Evidence of migratory coupling between grey wolves and migratory caribou. Oikos 2024: e10150. DOI: 10.1111/oik.10150.
Béland, S., B. Vuillaume, M. Leclerc, M. Bernier et S. D. Côté. 2023. Selection of summer feeding sites and food resources by female migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) determined using camera collars. Plos One, 18: e0294846. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294846.
Brault, B., J.-P. Tremblay, N. Thiffault, A. A. Royo et S. D. Côté. 2023. Successful forest restoration using plantation at high deer density: how neighbouring vegetation drives browsing pressure and tree growth. Forest Ecology and Management, 549: 121458. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121458.
Vuillaume, B., J. H. Richard, S. Hamel, J. Taillon, M. Festa-Bianchet et S. D. Côté. Birth date determines early calf survival in migratory caribou. Oecologia 202: 819-830. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-023-05441-7.
Harris, R. B., K. Aluzas, L. Balyx, M. Biel, J. J. Belt, J. Berger, T. Chilton-Radant, S. D. Côté, J. Cunningham, A. T. Ford, P. Happe, C. P. Lehman, K. G. Poole, C. Rice, K. R. Safford, W. Sarmento et L. Wolf. 2022. Habituated, tolerant, or salt-conditioned mountain goats and human safety. Human-Wildlife Interactions 17 :11. DOI: 10.26077/903a-0561.
Filali, J., D. Laurendeau et S. D. Côté. 2023. Environmental information extraction based on YOLOv5-object detection in videos collected by camera-collars installed on migratory caribou and black bears in northern Québec. Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 5: 660-667. DOI : 10.5220/0011691200003417.
Brault, B., J. H. Richard, N. Thiffault, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2023. Synthèse des travaux de recherche sur l’aménagement intégré faune-forêt à l’île d’Anticosti dans un contexte de surabondance du cerf de Virginie (Odocoileus virginianus). Le Naturaliste canadien 147: 94–105. DOI: 10.7202/1098176ar.
Poisson, W., J. Prunier, A. Carrier, I. Gilbert, G. Mastromonaco, V. Albert, J. Taillon, V. Bourret, S. D. Côté et Claude Robert. 2023. Chromosome-level assembly of the Rangifer tarandus genome and validation of cervid and bovid evolution insights. BMC Genomics 24: 142. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-023-09189-5.
Brodeur, A., M. Leblond, V. Brodeur, J. Taillon et S. D. Côté. 2023. Investigating potential for competition between migratory caribou and introduced muskoxen. Journal of Wildlife Management: e22366. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22366.
Wootton, E., C. Robert, J. Taillon, S. D. Côté et A. Shafer. 2023. Genomic health is dependent on long-term population demographic history. Molecular Ecology 00: 1-12. DOI: 10.1111/mec.16863.
Bonin, M., C. Dussault, J. Taillon, J. Pisapio, N. Lecomte et S. D. Côté. 2023. Diet flexibility of wolves and black bears in the range of migratory caribou. Journal of Mammalogy 104: 252-264. DOI: 0.1093/jmammal/gyad002.
Dedato, M., C. Robert, J. Taillon, A. Shafer et S. D. Côté. 2022. Demographic history and conservation genomics of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Québec. Evolutionary Applications 15: 2043-2053. DOI: 10.1111/eva.13495.
Carrier, A., J. Prunier, W. Poisson, M. Trottier-Lavoie, I. Gilbert, M. Cavedon, K. Okharel, J. Kantanen, M. Musiani, S. D. Côté, V. Albert, J. Taillon, V. Bourret, A. Droit et C. Robert. 2022. Design and validation of a 63K genome-wide SNP-genotyping platform for caribou/reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). BMC Genomics 23: 687. DOI : 10.1186/s12864-022-08899-6.
Baribeau, A., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2022. Habitat use by white-tailed deer after more than a decade of exclusion in the boreal forest. Wildlife Biology: e01049. DOI: 10.1002/wlb3.01049.
Aleuy, O. A., M. Anholt, K. Orsel, F. Mavrot, C. A. Gagnon, K. Beckmen, S. D. Côté, C. Cuyler, A. Dobson, B. Elkin, L.-M. Leclerc, J. Taillon et S. Kutz. 2022. Association of environmental factors with the intensity of seasonal seropositivity of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, an emerging pathogen in Arctic caribou. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 28 : 1650-1658. DOI: 10.3201/eid2808.212144.
Beguin, J., S. D. Côté et M. Vellend. 2022. Large herbivores trigger spatiotemporal changes in forest plant diversity. Ecology: e3739. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3739.
Carrier, B., S. Hamel, M. Garel et S. D. Côté. 2022. Coping with seasonality: dynamics of adult body mass and survival in an alpine hibernator. Oikos: e09043. DOI : 10.1111/oik.09043
Anderson, S. J., S. D. Côté, J. H. Richard et A. B. A. Shafer. 2022. Genomic architecture of phenotypic extremes in a wild cervid. BMC Genomics, 23: 126. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-022-08333-x.
Forsyth, D. M., S. Comte, N. E. Davis, A. J. Bengsen, S. D. Côté, D. G. Hewitt, N. Morellet et A. Mysterud. 2022. Methodology Matters when Estimating Deer Abundance: A Global Systematic Review and Recommendations for Improvements. Journal of Wildlife Management, 86: e22207. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22207.
Prunier, J., A. Carrier, I. Gilbert, W. Poisson, V. Albert, J. Taillon, V. Bourret, S. D. Côté, A. Droit et C. Robert. 2022. CNVs with adaptive potential in Rangifer tarandus: genome architecture and new annotated assembly. Life Science Alliance, 5(3): e202101207. DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202101207.
Joly, K. A. Gunn, S. D. Côté, M. Panzacchi, J. Adamczewski, M. J. Suitor et E. Gurarie. 2021. Caribou and reindeer migrations in the changing Arctic. Animal Migration, 8: 156–167. DOI: 10.1515/ami-2020-0110.
Champagne, E., P. Raymond, A. A. Royo, J. D. M. Speed, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. A review of ungulate impacts on the success of climate-adapted forest management strategies. 2021. Current Forestry Reports, 7: 305–320. DOI: 10.1007/s40725-021-00148-5.
Pélabon, C., S. D. Côté, M. Festa-Bianchet, J.-M. Gaillard, M. Garel, J.-F. Lemaître, A. Loison, M. Tidière et C. Toigo. 2021. Effects of population density on static allometry between horn length and body mass in mountain ungulates. Oikos, 130(12) : 2161-2169. DOI : 10.1111/oik.08726.
Cadotte, M., J. H. Richard, J. A. Bérubé et S. D. Côté. 2021. Mycophagy of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the boreal forest. Forests 12: 1247, DOI: 10.3390/f12091247.
Leclerc, M., M. Leblond, M. Le Corre, C. Dussault et S. D. Côté. 2021. Determinants of migration trajectory and movement rate in a long-distance terrestrial mammal. Journal of Mammalogy, gyab081, DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyab081.
Vuillaume, B., J. Hénault Richard et S.D. Côté. 2021. Using camera collars to study survival of migratory caribou. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45(2): 325-332. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1193.
Kauffman, M. J., F. Cagnacci, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, M. Hebblewhite, J. G. C. Hopcraft, J. A. Merkle, T. Mueller, A. Mysterud, W. Peters, C. Roettger, A. Steingisser, J. E. Meacham, K. Abera, J. Adamczewski, E. O. Aikens, C. Vynne, H. Bartlan-Brooks, E. Bennitt, J. Berger, C. Boyd, S. D. Côté, L. Debeffe et al. 2021. Mapping out a future for ungulate migrations. Science 372: 566-569. DOI: 10.1126/science.abf0998.
Lemay, E., S. D. Côté et J.-P. Tremblay. 2021. How will snow retention and shading from Arctic shrub expansion affect caribou food resources? Ecoscience, 28(3-4): 313-325. DOI:10.1080/11956860.2021.1917859.
Larue, B., F. Pelletier, S. D. Côté, S. Hamel et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2021. Growth and reproduction trade-offs can estimate previous reproductive history in alpine ungulates. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 869-878. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13840.
De Villemereuil, P., A. Charmantier, D. Arlt, P. Bize, P. Brekke, L. Brouwer, A. Cockburn, S. D. Côté, F. S. Dobson, S. R. Evans, M. Festa-Bianchet, M. Gamelon, S. Hamel, J. Hegelbach, K. Jerstad, B. Kempenaers, L. E. B. Kruuk, J. Kumpula, T. Kvalnes, A. G. McAdam, S. E. McFarlane, M. B. Morrissey, T. Pärt, J. M. Pemberton, A. Qvarnström, O.-W. Røstad, J. Schroeder, J. C. Senar, B. C. Sheldon, M. Van de Pol, M. E. Visser, N. T. Wheelwright, J. Tufto et L.-M. Chevin. 2020. Fluctuating optimum and temporally variable selection on breeding date in birds and mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117: 31969-31978. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2009003117.
Jamieson, A., S. J. Anderson, J. Fuller, S. D. Côté, J. M. Northrup et A. B. Shafer. 2020. Heritability estimates of antler and body traits in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from genomic-relatedness matrices. Journal of Heredity 111: 429-435. DOI:10.1093/jhered/esaa023.
Gagnon, M., G. Yannic, F. Boyer et S. D. Côté. 2020. Adult survival in migratory caribou is negatively associated with MHC functional diversity. Heredity 125: 290-303. DOI: 10.1038/s41437-020-0347-3.
Champagne, E., B. D. Moore, S. D. Côté et J.-P. Tremblay.2020. Intraspecific variation in nutritional traits of neighbouring plants generates a continuum of associational effects. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 920-933 DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12914.
Plante, S., C. Dussault, J. Hénault Richard, M. Garel et S. D. Côté. 2020. Untangling effects of human disturbance and natural factors on mortality risk of migratory caribou. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 154;. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00154.
Houde, N., J.-P. Tremblay, N. Thiffault et S. D. Côté. 2020. Manipulating forage and risk avoidance to increase white-tailed deer vulnerability to hunters. Wildlife Biology: wlb.00554. DOI: 10.2981/wlb.00554.
Bonin, M., C. Dussault, J. Taillon, N. Lecomte et S. D. Côté. 2020. Combining stable isotopes, morphological, and molecular analyses to reconstruct the diet of free-ranging consumers. Ecology and Evolution 10: 6664-6676. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6397.
Ayotte, P., M. Le Corre et S. D. Côté. 2020. Synergistic population density and environmental effects on deer body condition. Journal of Wildlife Management 84: 938-947. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21862.
Dulude-de Broin, F., S. Hamel, G. F. Mastromonaco et S. D. Côté. 2020. Predation risk and mountain goat reproduction: Evidence for stress-induced breeding suppression in a wild ungulate. Functional Ecology 34: 1003-1014. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13514.
Le Corre, M., C. Dussault et S. D. Côté. 2020. Where to spend the winter? The role of intraspecific competition and climate in determining the selection of wintering areas by migratory caribou. Oikos 129: 512-525. DOI: 10.1111/oik.06668.
Cuyler C., J. Rowell, J. Adamczewski, T. Davison, A. Gunn, L.-M. Leclerc, F. Mavrot, T. Sipko, M. Tomaselli, M. Anderson, J. Blake, T. Bretten, V. Brodeur, M. Campbell, S. L. Checkley, H. Dean Cluff, C. Mallory, S. D. Côté, M. Dumond, B. Ford, A. Gruzdev, P. Jones, S. Kutz, N. M. Schmidt, I. M. Okhlopkov, P. Reynolds, M. Suitor et B. Ytrehus. 2020. Muskox status, recent variation, and uncertain future. Ambio 49: 805-819. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-019-01205-x.
Bonin, M., C. Dussault et S.D. Côté. 2020. Increased trophic position of black bear (Ursus americanus) at the northern fringe of its distribution range. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98: 127-133. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2019-0062.
Fuller, J., A.-L. Ferchaud, M. Laporte, J. Le Luyer, T. B. Davis, S. D. Côté et L. Bernatchez. 2020. Absence of founder effect and evidence for adaptive divergence in a recently introduced insular population of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Molecular Ecology 29: 86-104. DOI: 10.1111/mec.15317.
Gagnon, M., G. Yannic, C. Perrier et S. D. Côté. 2019. No evidence of inbreeding depression in fast declining herds of migratory caribou. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32: 1368-1381.
Saucier, V., S. D. Côté, E. Champagne et J.-P. Tremblay. 2019. Combined effects of simulated browsing, warming and nutrient addition on forage availability for migratory caribou. Polar Biology 42: 1561-1570.
Carlsson, A. M., Curry P., Elkin B., Russell D., Veich A., Branigan M., Cambell M., Croft B., Cuyler C., Côté S. D., LeClerc L.-M., Tryland M., Nymo I. H. et Kutz S. 2019. Multi-pathogen serological survey of migratory caribou herds: a snapshot in time. Plos One 14: e0219838.
Haworth, S., K. White, S. D. Côté et A. Shafer. 2019. Space, time, and captivity: quantifying factors influencing the microbiome of an alpine ungulate. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95: fiz095, DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiz095.
Dulude-de Broin, F., G. Mastromonaco, D. P. Whiteside et S. D. Côté. 2019. Faecal metabolites and hair cortisol as biological markers of HPA-axis activity in the Rocky Mountain Goat. General and Comparative Endocrinology 280: 147-157.
Festa-Bianchet, M., S. D. Côté, S. Hamel et F. Pelletier. 2019. Long-term studies of bighorn sheep and mountain goats reveal fitness costs of reproduction. Journal of Animal Ecology 88: 1118-1133.
Campeau, A. B., G. J. M. Rickbeil, N. C. Coops et S. D. Côté. 2019. Long-term changes in the primary productivity of migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) calving grounds and summer pasture on the Quebec-Labrador Peninsula (Northeastern Canada): the mixed influences of climate change and caribou herbivory. Polar Biology 42: 1005-1023.
Ayotte, P., M.-A. Simard et S. D. Côté. 2019. Reproductive plasticity of female white-tailed deer at high density and under harsh climatic conditions. Oecologia 189: 661-673.
Déry, F., S. Hamel et S. D. Côté. 2019. Getting ready for the winter: timing and determinants of molt in an alpine ungulate. Ecology and Evolution 9: 2920-2932.
Douhard, M., M. Festa-Bianchet, S. Hamel, D. H. Nussey, S. D. Côté, J. M. Pemberton et F. Pelletier. 2019. Maternal longevity and offspring sex in wild ungulates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20181968.
Bélanger, É., M. Leblond et S. D. Côté. 2019. Habitat selection and population trends of the declining Torngat Mountains caribou. Journal of Wildlife Management 83: 379-392.
Larue, B., S. D. Côté, M.-H. St-Laurent, C. Dussault et M. Leblond. 2018. Natal habitat preference induction in large mammals - Like mother, like child? Ecology and Evolution 8: 12629-12640.
Peláez, M., R. Perea, M. Díaz, A. San Miguel, C. Rodríguez-Vigal et S. D. Côté. 2018. Use of cast antlers to assess antler size variation in red deer populations: Effects of mast seeding, climate and population features in Mediterranean environments. Journal of Zoology 306 : 8-15.
Champagne, E., A. Dumont, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2018. Forage diversity, type and abundance influence winter resource selection by white-tailed deer. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 619-628.
Morrissette-Boileau, C., S. Boudreau, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2018. Revisiting the role of migratory caribou in the control of shrub expansion in northern Nunavik (Québec, Canada). Polar Biology 41: 1845-1853.
Courchesne, M., S. Pellerin, M. Bachand, S. D. Côté et M. Poulin. 2018. Chronic deer browsing leads to biotic homogenization of productive peatlands. Botany 96: 499-509.
Plante, S., C. Dussault, J. Hénault-Richard et S. D. Côté. 2018. Human disturbance effects and cumulative habitat loss in endangered migratory caribou. Biological Conservation 224: 129-143.
Charest Castro, K., M. Leblond et S. D. Côté. 2018. Costs and benefits of post-weaning associations in mountain goats. Behaviour 155: 295-326.
Champagne, E., B. D. Moore, S. D. Côté et J.-P. Tremblay. 2018. Spatial correlations between browsing on balsam fir by white-tailed deer and the nutritional value of neighbouring winter forage. Ecology and Evolution 8: 2812-2823
Champagne, E., L. Perroud, A. Dumont, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2018. Neighbouring plants and perception of predation risk modulate winter browsing by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 96: 117-125.
Morrissette-Boileau, C., S. Boudreau, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2018. Simulated caribou browsing limits the effect of nutrient addition on the growth of Betula glandulosa, an expanding shrub species in Nunavik, Canada. Journal of Ecology 106: 1256-1265.
Yannic, G., J. Ortego, L. Pellissier, N. Lecomte, L. Bernatchez et S. D. Côté. 2018. Linking genetic and ecological differentiation in an ungulate with a circumpolar distribution. Ecography 41: 922-937.
Pigeon, K. E., E. Cardinal, G. Stenhouse et S. D. Côté. 2017. Recognizing the importance of an all-inclusive approach to brown bear conservation now and into the future. Oecologia 185: 347-350.
Zamin, T. J., S. D. Côté, J.-P. Tremblay et P. Grogan. 2017. Experimental warming alters migratory caribou forage quality. Ecological Applications 27: 2061-2073.
Rughetti, M., M. Festa-Bianchet, S. D. Côté et S. Hamel. 2017. Ecological and evolutionary effects of selective harvest of non-lactating female ungulates. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 1571-1580.
Courbin, N., C. Dussault, A. Veillette, M.-A. Giroux et S. D. Côté. 2017. Coping with strong variations in winter severity: plastic habitat selection of deer at high density. Behavioral Ecology 28: 1037-1046.
Courchesne, M., S. Pellerin, M. Bachand, S. D. Côté et M. Poulin. 2017. La flore des tourbières de l’île d’Anticosti lorsque soustraite au broutement par le cerf de Virginie. Le Naturaliste Canadien 141: 6-15.
Panagakis, A., S. Hamel et S. D. Côté. 2017. The influence of early reproductive success on longevity and late reproductive success in an alpine ungulate. American Naturalist 189: 667-683.
St-Louis, A. et S. D. Côté. 2017. Activity budgets and behavioural synchrony in a wild equid living in a fission-fusion social system. Behaviour 154: 357-376.
Le Corre, M., C. Dussault et S. D. Côté. 2017. Weather conditions and variation in timing of spring and fall migrations of migratory caribou. Journal of Mammalogy 98: 260-271.
Plante, S., C. Dussault et S. D. Côté. 2017. Lanscape attributes explain migratory caribou vulnerability to sport hunting. Journal of Wildlife Management 81: 238-247.
Hamel, S., J.-M. Gaillard, N. G. Yoccoz, S. Albon, S. D. Côté, J. M. Craine, M. Festa-Bianchet, M. Garel, P. Lee, C. Moss, D. H. Nussey, F. Pelletier, A. Stien et T. Tveraa. 2016. Cohort variation in individual body mass dissipates with age in large herbivores. Ecological Monographs 86: 517-543.
Drolet, A., C. Dussault et S. D. Côté. 2016. Simulated drilling noise affects the space use of a large terrestrial mammal. Wildlife Biology 22: 284-293.
Beguin, J., J.-P. Tremblay, N. Thiffault, D. Pothier et S. D. Côté. 2016. Management of forest regeneration in boreal and temperate deer-forest systems: challenges, guidelines and research gaps. Ecosphere 7(10): e01488.
Le Saout, S., M. Massouh, J.-L. Martin, H. Presseault-Gauvin, E. Poilvé, S. D. Côté, D. Picot, H. Verheyden et S. Chamaillé-Jammes. 2016. Low food abundance or hunting: what is the most stressful for black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis)? Mammal Research 61: 391-398.
Jenkins, D. A., N. Lecomte, J. A. Schaefer, S. M. Olsen, D. Swingedouw, S. D. Côté, L. Pellissier et G. Yannic. 2016. Loss of connectivity among island-dwelling Peary caribou following sea ice decline. Biology Letters 12: 20160235.
Pigeon, K. E., G. Stenhouse et S. D. Côté. 2016. Drivers of hibernation: Linking food and weather to denning behaviour of grizzly bears. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 1745-1754.
Bonin, M., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2016. Contributions of digestive plasticity to the ability of white-tailed deer to cope with a low-quality diet. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 1406-1413.
Giroux, M.-A., C. Dussault, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2016. Winter severity modulates the benefits of using a habitat temporally uncoupled from browsing. Ecosphere 7(8): e014321.
Simard, A.-A., S. Kutz, J. Ducrocq, K. Beckmen, V. Brodeur, M. Campbell, B. Croft, C. Cuyler, T. Davison, B. Elkin, T. Giroux, A. Kelly, D. Russell, J. Taillon, A.Veitch et S. D. Côté. 2016. Variation in the intensity and prevalence of macroparasites in migratory caribou: a quasi-circumpolar study. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 607-617.
Pigeon, K. E., E. Cardinal, G. B. Stenhouse et S. D. Côté. 2016. Staying cool in a changing landscape: The influence of maximum daily ambient temperature on grizzly bear habitat selection. Oecologia 181: 1101-1116
Pigeon, K. E., S. D. Côté et G. B. Stenhouse. 2016. Assessing den selection and den characteristics of grizzly bears. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 884-893.
Champagne, E., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2016. Spatial extent of neighboring plants influences the strength of associational effects on mammal herbivory. Ecosphere 7(6): e01371.
Richard, J. H. et S. D. Côté. 2016. Space use analyses suggest avoidance of a ski area by an alpine ungulate. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 387-395.
Leblond, M., M.-H. St-Laurent et S. D. Côté. 2016. Caribou, water, and ice – fine-scale movements of a migratory arctic ungulate in the context of climate change. Movement Ecology 4: 14.
Mills, J. A., C. Teplitsky, B. Arroyo, A. Charmantier, P. H. Becker, T. R. Birkhead, P. Bize, D. T. Blumstein, C. Bonenfant, S. Boutin, A. Bushuev, E. Cam, A. Cockburn, S. D. Côté, J. C. Coulson, F. Daunt, N. J. Dingemanse, B. Doligez, H. Drummond, R. H. M. Espie, M. Festa-Bianchet, F. Frentiu, J. W. Fitzpatrick, R. W. Furness, D. Garant, G. Gauthier, P. R. Grant, M. Griesser, L. Gustafsson, B. Hansson, M. P. Harris, F. Jiguet, P. Kjellander, E. Korpimäki, C. J. Krebs, L. Lens, J. D.C. Linnell, M. Low, A. McAdam, A. Margalida, J. Merilä, A. P. Møller, S. Nakagawa, J.-Å. Nilsson, I. C. T. Nisbet, A. J. van Noordwijk, D. Oro, T. Pärt, F. Pelletier, J. Potti, B. Pujol, D. Réale, R. F. Rockwell, Y. Ropert-Coudert, A. Roulin, C. Thébaud, J. S. Sedinger, J. E. Swenson, M. E. Visser, S. Wanless, D. F. Westneat, A. J. Wilson et A. Zedrosser. 2016. Solutions for archiving data in long-term studies - a reply to Whitlock et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31: 85-87.
Yannic, G., M.-H. St-Laurent, J. Ortego, J. Taillon, A. Beauchemin, L. Bernatchez, C. Dussault et S. D. Côté. 2016. Integrating ecological and genetic structure to define management units for caribou in Eastern Canada. Conservation Genetics 17: 437-453.
Hamel, S., M. Festa-Bianchet et S. D. Côté. 2016. Offspring sex in mountain goat varies with adult sex ratio but only for mothers in good condition. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 123-132.
Dalziel, B. D., M. Le Corre, S. D. Côté et S. P. Ellner. 2016. Detecting collective behaviour in animal relocation data, with application to migrating caribou. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7: 30-41.
Giroux, M.-A., E. Valiquette, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2015. Isotopic differences between forage consumed by a large herbivore in open, closed, and coastal habitats: new evidence from a boreal study system. Plos One 10: e0142781.
Mills, J. A., C. Teplitsky, B. Arroyo, A. Charmantier, P. H. Becker, T. R. Birkhead, P. Bize, D. T. Blumstein, C. Bonenfant, S. Boutin, A. Bushuev, E. Cam, A. Cockburn, S. D. Côté, J. C. Coulson, F. Daunt, N. J. Dingemanse, B. Doligez, H. Drummond, R. H. M. Espie, M. Festa-Bianchet, F. Frentiu, J. W. Fitzpatrick, R. W. Furness, D. Garant, G. Gauthier, P. R. Grant, M. Griesser, L. Gustafsson, B. Hansson, M. P. Harris, F. Jiguet, P. Kjellander, E. Korpimäki, C. J. Krebs, L. Lens, J. D. C. Linnell, M. Low, A. McAdam, A. Margalida, J. Merilä, A. P. Møller, S. Nakagawa, J.-Å. Nilsson, I. C. T. Nisbet, A. J. van Noordwijk, D. Oro, T. Pärt, F. Pelletier, J. Potti, B. Pujol, D. Réale, R. F. Rockwell, Y. Ropert-Coudert, A. Roulin, C. Thébaud, J. S. Sedinger, J. E. Swenson, M. E. Visser, S. Wanless, D. F. Westneat, A. J. Wilson et A. Zedrosser. 2015. Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30: 581-589.
Godde, S., S. D. Côté et D. Réale. 2015. Female mountain goats Oreamnos americanus associate according to kinship and reproductive status. Animal Behaviour 108: 101-107.
Crosmary, W.-G., S. D. Côté et H. Fritz. 2015. The assessment of the role of trophy hunting in wildlife conservation. Animal Conservation 18: 136-137.
Bachand, M., S. Pellerin, J.-P. Tremblay, S. D. Côté et M. Poulin. 2015. Compositional and functional trajectories of herbaceous communities after deer density control in clearcut boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45: 758-763.
Jean, P.-O., R. L. Bradley, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2015. Combining near infrared spectra of feces and geostatistics to generate forage nutritional quality maps across landscapes. Ecological Applications 25: 1630-1639.
Théorêt-Gosselin, R., S. Hamel et S. D. Côté. 2015. The role of maternal behavior and offspring development in the survival of mountain goat kids. Oecologia 178: 175-186.
Crosmary, W.-G., S. Chamaillé-Jammes, G. Mtare, H. Fritz et S. D. Côté. 2015. Decline of sable antelope in one of its key conservation areas: the greater Hwange ecosystem, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Ecology 53: 194-205.
Crosmary, W. G., S. D. Côté et H. Fritz. 2015. Does trophy hunting matter to long-term population trends in Africans herbivores of different dietary guilds? Animal Conservation 18: 117-130.
Richard, J. H., J. F. Wilmshurst et S. D. Côté. 2014. The effect of snow on space use of an alpine ungulate: recently fallen snow tells more than cumulative snow depth. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 1067-1074.
Le Saout, S., S. Padié, S. Chamaillé-Jammes, S. Chollet, S. D. Côté, N. Morellet, J. Pattison, E. Harris et J.-L. Martin. 2014. Short-term effects of hunting on naïve black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis): behavioural response and consequences on vegetation growth. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 915-925.
Côté, S. D., J. Beguin, S. De Bellefeuille, E. Champagne, N. Thiffault et J.-P. Tremblay. 2014. Structuring effects of deer in boreal forest ecosystems. Advances in Ecology : 917834.
Yannic, G., L. Pellissier, M. Le Corre, C. Dussault, L. Bernatchez et S. D. Côté. 2014. Temporally dynamic habitat suitability predicts genetic relatedness among caribou. Proceedings of the Royal Society 281: 20140502.
Le Corre, M., C. Dussault et S. D. Côté. 2014. Detecting changes in the annual movements of terrestrial migratory species: using the first-passage time to document the spring migration of caribou. Movement Ecology 2: 19.
Richard, J. H., K. S. White et S. D. Côté. 2014. Mating effort and space use of an alpine ungulate during the rut. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 1639-1648.
Gingras, J., S. Couturier, S. D. Côté et J.-P. Tremblay. 2014. Opposite responses of body condition and fertility in adjacent moose populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 78: 830-839.
Rasiulis, A., M. Festa-Bianchet, S. Couturier et S. D. Côté. 2014. The effect of radio-collar weight on survival of migratory caribou. Journal of Wildlife Management 78: 953-956.
Bachand, M., S. Pellerin, M. Moretti, I. Aubin, J.-P. Tremblay, S. D. Côté et M. Poulin. 2014. Functional responses and resilience of boreal forest ecosystem after reduction of deer density. Plos One 9: e90437.
Pigeon, K., S. E. Nielsen, G. Stenhouse et S. D. Côté. 2014. Den selection by grizzly bears on a managed landscape. Journal of Mammalogy 95: 559-571.
Jean, P.-O., R. L. Bradley, M.-A. Giroux, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2014. Near Infrared Spectroscopy and fecal chemistry as predictors of the diet composition of white-tailed deer. Rangeland Ecology and Management 67: 154-159.
St-Louis, A. et S. D. Côté. 2014. Resource selection in a high-altitude rangeland equid, the kiang (Equus kiang): influence of forage abundance and quality at multiple spatial scales, Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 239-249.
Yannic, G., L. Pellissier, J. Ortego, N. Lecomte, S. Couturier, C. Cuyler, C. Dussault, K. J. Hundermark, R. J. Irvine, D. A. Jenkins, L. Kolpashikov, K. Mager, M. Musiani, K. L. Parker, K. H. Roed, T. Sipko, S. G. Þórisson, B. V. Weckworth, A. Guisan, L. Bernatchez et S. D. Côté. 2014. Genetic diversity in caribou linked to past and future climate change. Nature Climate Change 4: 132-137.
Simard, M.-A., J. Huot, S. de Bellefeuille et S. D. Côté. 2014. Influences of habitat composition, plant phenology, and population density on autumn indices of body condition in a northern white-tailed deer population. Wildlife Monographs 187: 1-28.
Simard, M.-A., J. Huot, S. de Bellefeuille et S. D. Côté. 2014. Linking conception and weaning success with environmental variation and female body condition in a northern ungulate. Journal of Mammalogy 95: 321-327.
Giroux, M.-A., J.-P. Tremblay, M.-A. Simard, N. G. Yoccoz et S. D. Côté. 2014. Forage-mediated density and climate effects on body mass in a temperate herbivore: a mechanistic approach. Ecology 95: 1332-1340.
Bachand, M., S. Pellerin, S. D. Côté, M. Moretti, M. De Cáceres, P.-M. Brousseau, C. Cloutier, C. Hébert, É. Cardinal, J.-L. Martin et M. Poulin. 2014. Species indicators of ecosystem recovery after reducing large herbivore density: comparing taxa and testing species combinations. Ecological Indicators 38: 12-19.
Darmon, G., B. Hidding, S. de Bellefeuille, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2013. A generalist rodent benefits from logging regardless of deer density. Ecoscience 20: 319-327.
Hidding, B., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2013. A large herbivore triggers alternative successional trajectories in the boreal forest. Ecology 94 : 2852-2860.
Pachkowski, M., S. D. Côté et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2013. Spring-loaded reproduction: effects of body condition and population size on fertility in migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 473-479.
Côté, S. D., S. Hamel, A. St-Louis et J. Mainguy. 2013. Do mountain goats habituate to helicopter disturbance? Journal of Wildlife Management 77: 1244-1248.
Crosmary, W.-G., A. J. Loveridge, H. Ndaimani, S. Lebel, V. Booth, S. D. Côté et H. Fritz. 2013. Trophy hunting in Africa: long-term trends in antelope horn size. Animal Conservation 16: 648-660.
Taillon, J., P. S. Barboza et S. D. Côté. 2013. Nitrogen allocation to offspring and milk production in a capital breeder. Ecology 94: 1815-1827.
Massé, A. et S. D. Côté. 2013. Spatiotemporal variations in resources affect activity and movement patterns of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) at high density. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 252-263.
Martin, J. G. A., M. Festa-Bianchet, S. D. Côté et D. T. Blumstein. 2013. Detecting between-individual differences in hind foot length in populations of wild mammals. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 118-123.
Godde, S., L. Humbert, S. D. Côté, D. Réale et H. Whitehead. 2013. Correcting for the impact of gregariousness in social network analyses. Animal Behaviour 85: 553-558.
St-Louis, A., S. Hamel, J. Mainguy et S. D. Côté. 2013. Factors influencing the reaction of mountain goats towards all-terrain vehicles. Journal of Wildlife Management 77: 599-605.
Simard, M-A., C. Dussault, J. Huot et S. D. Côté. 2013. Is hunting an effective tool to control overabundant deer? A test using an experimental approach. Journal of Wildlife Management 77: 254-269.
Ducrocq, J., G. Beauchamp, S. Kutz, M. Simard, J. Taillon, S. D. Côté, V. Brodeur et S. Lair. 2013. Variables associated with Besnoitia tarandi prevalence and cyst density in barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus) populations. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49: 29-38.
Brousseau, P.-M., C. Hébert, C. Cloutier et S. D. Côté. 2013. Short-term effects of reduced white-tailed deer density on insect communities in a strongly over browsed boreal forest ecosystem. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 77-92.
Champagne, E., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2012. Tolerance of an expanding subarctic shrub, Betula glandulosa, to simulated caribou browsing. Plos One 7: e51940.
Ducrocq, J., G. Beauchamp, S. Kutz, M. Simard, B. Elkin, B. Croft, J. Taillon, S. D. Côté, V. Brodeur, M. Campbell, D. Cooley, C. Cuyler et S. Lair. 2012. Comparison of gross visual and microscopic assessment of four anatomic sites to monitor Besnoitia tarandi in barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48: 732-738.
Giroux, M.-A., C. Dussault, N. Lecomte, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2012. A new way of assessing foraging behaviour at the individual level using faeces marking and satellite telemetry. PlosOne 7: e49719
L’Italien, L., R. B. Weladji, Ø. Holand, K. Røed, M. Nieminen et S. D. Côté. 2012. Mating group size and stability in reindeer Rangifer tarandus : the effects of male characteristics, sex ratio and male age-structure. Ethology 118: 783-792.
Massé, A. et S. D. Côté. 2012. Linking habitat heterogeneity to space use by large herbivores at multiple scales: from habitat mosaics to forest canopy openings. Forest Ecology and Management 285: 67-76.
Gorrell, J. C., S. Boutin, S. Raveh, P. Neuhaus, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2012. Sexing the Sciuridae: A simple and accurate set of molecular methods to determine sex in tree squirrels, ground squirrels and marmots. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 806-809.
Forde, T., K. Orsel, J. De Buck, S. D. Côté, C. Cuyler, T. Davison, B. Elkin, A. Kelly, M. Kienzler, R. Popko, J. Taillon, A. Veitch et S. Kutz. 2012. Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in several herds of Arctic caribou (Rangifer tarandus spp.). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48: 918-924.
Hidding, B., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2012. Survival and growth of balsam fir seedlings and saplings under multiple controlled ungulate densities. Forest Ecology and Management 276: 96-103.
Cardinal, E., J.-L. Martin, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2012. An experimental study of how variation in deer density affects vegetation and songbird assemblages of recently harvested boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 704-713.
Crosmary, W.-G., P. Makumbe, S. D. Côté et H. Fritz. 2012. Vulnerability to predation and water constraints limit behavioural adjustments of ungulates in response to hunting risk. Animal Behaviour 83: 1367-1376.
Lebel, F., C. Dussault, A. Massé et S. D. Côté. 2012. Influence of habitat features and hunter behaviour on white-tailed deer harvest. Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 1431-1440.
Shafer, A. B. A., J. M. Northrup, K. S. White, M. S. Boyce, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2012. Habitat selection predicts genetic relatedness in an alpine ungulate. Ecology 93: 1317-1329.
Simard, M.-A., S. D. Côté, A. Gingras et T. Coulson. 2012. Tests of density dependence using indices of relative abundance in a deer population. Oikos 121: 1351-1363.
Taillon, J., V. Brodeur, M. Festa-Bianchet et S. D. Côté. 2012. Is mother condition related to offspring condition in migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) at calving and weaning? Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 393-402.
Taillon, J., M. Festa-Bianchet et S. D. Côté. 2012. Shifting targets in the tundra: protection of migratory caribou calving grounds must account for spatial changes over time. Biological Conservation 147: 163-173.
Roy, J., G. Yannic, S. D. Côté et L. Bernatchez. 2012. Negative density-dependent dispersal in the American black bear (Ursus americanus) revealed by noninvasive sampling and genotyping. Ecology and Evolution 2: 525-537.
Shafer, A. B. A., C. W. Fan, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2012. (Lack of) Genetic diversity in immune genes predates glacial isolation in the North American mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus). Journal of Heredity 103: 371-379.
Cardinal, E., J.-L. Martin et S. D. Côté. 2012. Large herbivore effects on songbirds in boreal forests: lessons from deer introduction on Anticosti Island. Ecoscience 19: 38-47.
Crosmary, W.-G., M. Valeix, H. Madzikanda, S. D. Côté et H. Fritz. 2012. African ungulates and their drinking problems: trophy hunting and predation risk constrain access to water. Animal Behaviour 83: 145-153.
St-Louis, A. et S. D. Côté. 2012. Foraging behaviour at multiple temporal scales in a wild alpine equid. Oecologia 169: 167-176.
Massé, A. et S. D. Côté. 2012. Linking alternative food sources to winter habitat selection of herbivores in overbrowsed landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 544-556.
Taillon, J., V. Brodeur, M. Festa-Bianchet et S. D Côté. 2011. Variation in body condition of migratory caribou at calving and weaning – which measures should we use? Ecoscience 18: 295-303.
Dufresne, M., R. L. Bradley, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2011. Evidence that soil depth and clay content control the post-disturbance regeneration of balsam fir and paper birch under heavy browsing from deer. Ecoscience 18: 363-368.
Coulombe, M.-L., J. Huot, A. Massé et S. D. Côté. 2011. Influence of forage biomass and cover on deer space use at a fine-scale: a controlled-density experiment. Ecoscience 18: 262-272.
Dostaler, S., J.-P. Ouellet, J.-F. Therrien et S. D. Côté. 2011. Are feeding preferences of white-tailed deer related to plant constituents? Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 913-918.
Shafer, A. B. A., K. S. White, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2011. Deciphering translocations from relicts in Baranof Island mountain goats: is an endemic genetic lineage at risk? Conservation Genetics 12: 1261-1268.
Viera, V. M., V. A. Viblanc, O. Filippi-Codaccioni, S. D. Côté et R. Groscolas. 2011. Active territory defence at a low energy cost in a colonial seabird. Animal Behaviour 82: 69-76.
Hamel, S., S. D. Côté et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2011. Tradeoff between offspring mass and subsequent reproduction in a highly iteroparous mammal. Oikos 120: 690-695.
Ortego, J., G. Yannic, A. B. A. Shafer, J. Mainguy, M. Festa-Bianchet, D. W. Coltman et S. D. Côté. 2011. Temporal dynamics of genetic variability in a mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) population. Molecular Ecology 20: 1601-1611.
Shafer, A. B. A., J. Poissant, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2011. Does reduced heterozygosity influence dispersal? A test using spatially structured populations of an alpine ungulate. Biology Letters 7: 433-435.
Shafer, A. B. A., S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2011. Hot spots of genetic diversity descended from multiple Pleistocene refugia in an alpine ungulate. Evolution 65: 125-138.
Beguin, J., D. Pothier et S. D Côté. 2011. Deer browsing and soil disturbance induce cascading effects on plant communities: a multilevel path analysis. Ecological Applications 21: 439-451.
Festa-Bianchet, M., J. C. Ray, S. Boutin, S. D. Côté et A. Gunn. 2011. Conservation of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Canada: an uncertain future. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 419-434.
Shafer, A. B. A., C. I. Cullingham, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2010. Of glaciers and refugia: a decade of study sheds new light on the phylogeography of northwestern North America. Molecular Ecology 19: 4589-4621.
Collard, A., L. Lapointe, J.-P. Ouellet, M. Crête, A. Lussier, C. Daigle et S. D. Côté. 2010. Slow responses of understory plants of maple-dominated forests to white-tailed deer experimental exclusion. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 649-662.
Simard, M.-A., T. Coulson, A. Gingras et S. D. Côté. 2010. Influence of density and climate on the population dynamics of a large herbivore under harsh environmental conditions. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 1671-1685.
Singh, N. J., C. Bonenfant, N. G. Yoccoz et S. D. Côté. 2010. Sexual segregation in Eurasian wildsheep. Behavioral Ecology 21: 410-418
Singh, N. J., N. G. Yoccoz, N. Lecomte, S. D. Côté et J. L. Fox. 2010. Scale and selection of habitat and resources: Tibetan argali (Ovis ammon hodgsoni) in high altitude rangelands. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88: 436-447.
Hamel, S., S. D. Côté et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2010. Maternal characteristics and environment affect the costs of reproduction in female mountain goats. Ecology 91: 2034-2043.
Groscolas, R., V. Viera, N. Guerin, Y. Handrich et S. D. Côté. 2010. Heart rate as a predictor of energy expenditure in undisturbed fasting and incubating penguins. Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 153-160.
Couturier, S., R. D. Otto, S. D. Côté, G. Luther et S. P. Mahoney. 2010. Body size variations in caribou ecotypes and relationships with demography. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 395-404.
Mainguy, J., S. D. Côté, M. Festa-Bianchet et D. W. Coltman. 2009. Father-offspring phenotypic correlations suggest intralocus sexual conflict for a fitness-linked trait in a wild sexually dimorphic mammal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276: 4067-4075.
Hamel, S. et S. D. Côté. 2009. Foraging decisions in a capital breeder: trade-offs between mass gain and lactation. Oecologia 161: 421-432.
Bajzak, C. E., S. D. Côté, M. O. Hammill et G. Stenson. 2009. Intersexual differences in the postbreeding foraging behaviour of the Northwest Atlantic hooded seal. Marine Ecology Progress Series 385: 285-294.
Mainguy, J., S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2009. Multilocus heterozygosity, parental relatedness and individual fitness components in a wild mountain goat Oreamnos americanus population. Molecular Ecology 18: 2297-2306.
Couturier, S., S. D. Côté, J. Huot et R. D. Otto. 2009. Body condition dynamics in a northern ungulate gaining fat in winter. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87: 367-378.
Sharma, S., S. Couturier et S. D. Côté. 2009. Impacts of climate change on the seasonal distribution of migratory caribou. Global Change Biology 15: 2549-2562.
Hamel, S., M. Garel, M. Festa-Bianchet, J.-M. Gaillard et S. D. Côté. 2009. Spring normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) predicts annual variation in timing of peak faecal crude protein in mountain ungulates. Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 582-589.
Ezard, T. H. G., S. D. Côté et F. Pelletier. 2009. Eco-evolutionary dynamics: disentangling phenotypic, environmental and population fluctuations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B 364: 1491-1498.
Poissant, J., A. B. A. Shafer, C. S. Davis, J. Mainguy, J. T. Hogg, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2009. Genome-wide cross-amplification of domestic sheep microsatellites in bighorn sheep and mountain goats. Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 1121-1126.
Massé, A. et S. D. Côté. 2009. Habitat selection of a large herbivore at high density and without predation: trade-off between forage and cover? Journal of Mammalogy 90: 961-970.
Hamel, S., J.-M. Gaillard, M. Festa-Bianchet et S. D. Côté. 2009. Individual quality, early-life conditions, and reproductive success in contrasted populations of large herbivores. Ecology 90 : 1981-1995.
Beguin, J., M. Prévost, D. Pothier et S. D. Côté. 2009. Establishment of natural regeneration under severe browsing pressure from white-tailed deer after group seed-tree cutting with scarification on Anticosti Island. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 596-605.
St-Louis, A. et S. D. Côté. 2009. Equus kiang (Perissodactyla : Equidae). Mammalian Species 835: 1-11.
Pelletier, F., J. Mainguy et S. D. Côté. 2009. Rut-induced hypophagia in male bighorn sheep and mountain goats: foraging under time budget constraints. Ethology 115: 141-151.
Couturier, S., S. D. Côté, R. Otto, R. B. Weladji et J. Huot. 2009. Variation in calf body mass in migratory caribou: the role of habitat, climate, and movements. Journal of Mammalogy 90: 442-452.
Hamel, S., S. D. Côté, J.-M. Gaillard et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2009. Individual variation in reproductive costs of reproduction: high quality females always do better. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 143-151.
Hamel, S. et S. D. Côté. 2009. Maternal defensive behavior of mountain goats against predation by golden eagles. Western North American Naturalist 69: 115-118.
Taillon, J. et S. D. Côté. 2008. Are fecal hormone levels linked to winter progression, diet quality, and social rank in young ungulates? An experiment with white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 1591-1600.
Coulombe, M.-L., S. D. Côté et J. Huot. 2008. Experimental influence of population density and vegetation biomass on the movements and activity budget of a large herbivore. Behaviour 145: 1167-1194.
Harvey, V., S. D. Côté et M. O. Hammill. 2008. The ecology of 3-d space use in a sexually dimorphic mammal. Ecography 31: 371-380.
Simard, A., S. D. Côté, R. B. Weladji et J. Huot. 2008. Feedback effects of chronic browsing on life-history traits of a large herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 678-686.
Mainguy, J., S. D. Côté, É. Cardinal et M. Houle. 2008. Mating tactics and mate choice in relation to age and social rank in male mountain goats. Journal of Mammalogy 89: 626-635.
Mainguy, J. et S. D. Côté. 2008. Age- and state-dependent reproductive effort in male mountain goats, Oreamnos americanus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 935-943.
Therrien, J.-F, S. D. Côté, M. Festa-Bianchet et J.-P. Ouellet. 2008. Maternal care in white-tailed deer: trade-off between maintenance and reproduction under food restriction. Animal Behaviour 75: 235-243.
Hamel, S et S. D. Côté. 2008. Trade-offs in activity budget in an alpine ungulate: contrasting lactating and non-lactating females. Animal Behaviour 75: 217-227.
Viera, V. M., P. M. Nolan, S. D. Côté, P. Jouventin et R. Groscolas. 2008. Is territory defence related to plumage ornaments in the king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus? Ethology 114: 146-153.
Hamel, S et S. D. Côté. 2007. Habitat use patterns in relation to escape terrain: Are alpine ungulate females trading-off better foraging sites for safety? Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 933-943.
Therrien, J.-F, S. D. Côté, M. Festa-Bianchet et J.-P. Ouellet. 2007. Conservative maternal care in an iteroparous mammal: a resource allocation experiment. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 193-199.
Boulet, M., S. Couturier, S. D. Côté, R. Otto et L. Bernatchez. 2007. Integrative use of spatial, genetic, and demographic analyses for investigating genetic connectivity between migratory, montane, and sedentary caribou herds. Molecular Ecology 16: 4223-4240.
Taillon, J. et S. D. Côté. 2007. Social rank and winter forage quality affect aggressiveness in white-tailed deer fawns. Animal Behaviour 74: 265-275.
Pettorelli, N., F. Pelletier, A. von Hardenberg, M. Festa-Bianchet et S. D. Côté. 2007. Early onset of vegetation growth vs. rapid green-up: impacts on juvenile mountain ungulates. Ecology 88: 381-390.
Mainguy, J., K. Worley, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2007. Low MHC DRB class II diversity in the mountain goat: past bottlenecks and possible role of pathogens and parasites. Conservation Genetics 8: 885-891.
Sauvé, D. G. et S. D. Côté. 2007. Winter forage selection in white-tailed deer at high density: balsam fir is the best of a bad choice. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 911-914.
Pettorelli, N., S. D. Côté, A. Gingras, F. Potvin et J. Huot. 2007. Aerial surveys vs hunting statistics to monitor deer density: the example of Anticosti Island (Québec, Canada). Wildlife Biology 13: 321-327.
Taillon, J. et S. D. Côté. 2006. The role of previous social encounters and body mass in determining social rank: an experiment with white-tailed deer. Animal Behaviour 72: 1103-1110.
Sauvé, D. G. et S. D. Côté. 2006. Is winter diet quality related to body condition of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)? An experiment using urine profiles. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84: 1003-1010.
Coulombe, M.-L., A. Massé et S. D. Côté. 2006. Quantification and accuracy of activity data measured with VHF and GPS telemetry. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34: 81-92.
Viera, V. M., C. Le Bohec, S. D. Côté et R. Groscolas. 2006. Massive breeding failures following flooding in a colonial seabird. Polar Biology 29: 713-716.
Taillon, J., D. G. Sauvé et S. D. Côté. 2006. The effects of decreasing winter diet quality on foraging behavior and life-history traits of white-tailed deer fawns. Journal of Wildlife Management 70: 1445-1454.
Hamel, S., S. D. Côté, K. G. Smith et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2006. Population dynamics and harvest potential of mountain goat herds in Alberta. Journal of Wildlife Management 70: 1044-1053.
Pellerin, S., J. Huot et S. D. Côté. 2006. Long term effects of deer browsing and trampling on the vegetation of peatlands. Biological Conservation 128: 316-326.
Côté, S. D. 2005. Extirpation of a large black bear population by introduced white-tailed deer. Conservation Biology 19: 1668-1671.
Côté, S. D., A. Stien, R. J. Irvine, J. F. Dallas, F. Marshall, O. Halvorsen, R. Langvatn et S. D. Albon. 2005. Resistance to abomasal nematodes and individual genetic variability in reindeer. Molecular Ecology 14: 4159-4168.
Mainguy, J., A. S. Llewellyn, K. Worley, S. D. Côté et D. W. Coltman. 2005. Characterization of 29 polymorphic artiodactyl microsatellite markers for the mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus). Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 809-811.
Tremblay, J.-P., I. Thibault, C. Dussault, J. Huot et S. D. Côté. 2005. Long-term decline in white-tailed deer browse supply: can lichens and litterfall act as alternative food sources that preclude density-dependent feedbacks. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83: 1087-1096.
Gendreau, Y., S. D. Côté et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2005. Maternal effects on post-weaning physical and social development in juvenile mountain goats. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 58: 237-246.
Côté, S. D., T. P. Rooney, J.-P. Tremblay, C. Dussault et D. M. Waller. 2004. Ecological impacts of deer overabundance. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 35: 113-147.
Beaudoin, C., M. Crête, J. Huot, P. Etcheverry et S. D. Côté. 2004. Does predation risk affect habitat use in snowshoe hares? Ecoscience 11: 370-378.
Festa-Bianchet, M., J.-M. Gaillard et S. D. Côté. 2003. Variable age structure and apparent density-dependence in survival of adult ungulates. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 640-649.
Côté, S. D., J. F. Dallas, F. Marshall, R. J. Irvine, R. Langvatn et S. D. Albon. 2002. Microsatellite DNA evidence for genetic drift and philopatry in Svalbard reindeer. Molecular Ecology 11: 1923-1930.
Côté, S. D., J. F. Dallas, F. Marshall, R. J. Irvine, R. Langvatn et S. D. Albon. 2002. Microsatellite DNA evidence for genetic drift and philopatry in Svalbard reindeer. Molecular Ecology 11: 1923-1930.
Robin, J.-P., C. Fayolle, F. Decrock, M.-A. Thil, S. D. Côté, S. Bernard et R. Groscolas. 2001. Restoration of body mass in king penguins after egg abandonment at a critical energy depletion stage: early vs late breeders. Journal of Avian Biology 32: 303-310.
Côté, S. D. et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2001. Reproductive success in female mountain goats: the influence of maternal age and social rank. Animal Behaviour 62: 173-181.
Côté, S. D., M. Festa-Bianchet et K. G. Smith. 2001. Compensatory reproduction in harvested mountain goat populations: a word of caution. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29: 726-730.
Dewasmes, G., S. D. Côté, Y. Le Maho, R. Groscolas, J.-P. Robin, G. Vardon et J.-P. Libert. 2001. Effects of weather on activity and sleep in brooding king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Polar Biology 24: 508-511.
Côté, S. D. et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2001. Life-history correlates of horn asymmetry in mountain goats. Journal of Mammalogy 82: 389-400.
Côté, S. D. et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2001. Birthdate, mass and survival in mountain goat kids: effects of maternal characteristics and forage quality. Oecologia 127: 230-238.
Côté, S. D. et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2001. Offspring sex ratio in relation to maternal age and social rank in mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 49: 260-265.
Côté, S. D. et M. Festa-Bianchet. 2001. Offspring sex ratio in relation to maternal age and social rank in mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 49: 331 (erratum).
Côté, S. D. 2000. Dominance hierarchies in female mountain goats: stability, aggressiveness and determinants of rank. Behaviour 137: 1541-1566.
Côté, S. D. 2000. Determining social rank in ungulates: a comparison of aggressive interactions recorded at a bait site and under natural conditions. Ethology 106: 945-955.
Duchesne, M., S. D. Côté et C. Barrette. 2000. Responses of woodland caribou to winter ecotourism in the Charlevoix Biosphere Reserve, Canada. Biological Conservation 96: 311-317.
Côté, S. D. 2000. Aggressiveness in king penguins in relation to breeding status and territory location. Animal Behaviour 59: 813-821.
Côté, S. D. et G. Dewasmes. 1999. Do sleeping king penguins influence the movement of conspecifics through a colony? Polar Biology 22: 13-16.
Côté, S. D. 1998. In vitro digestibilities of summer forages utilized by the Rivière George caribou herd. Arctic 51: 48-54.
Côté, S. D., M. Festa-Bianchet et F. Fournier. 1998. Life-history effects of chemical immobilization and radio collars in mountain goats. Journal of Wildlife Management 62: 745-752.
Côté, S. D., M. Festa-Bianchet et K. G. Smith. 1998. Horn growth in mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus). Journal of Mammalogy 79: 406-414.
Haviernick, M., S. D. Côté et M. Festa-Bianchet. 1998. Immobilization of mountain goats with xylazine and reversal with idazoxan. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34: 342-347.
Côté, S. D. et C. Beaudoin. 1997. Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) attacks and nanny-kid separation on mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus). Mammalia 61: 614-617.
Côté, S. D., A. Peracino et G. Simard. 1997. Wolf (Canis lupus) predation and maternal defensive behaviour in mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus). Canadian Field-Naturalist 111: 389-392.
Côté, S. D., J. A. Schaefer et F. Messier. 1997. Time budgets and synchrony of activities in muskoxen: the influence of sex, age, and season. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75: 1628-1635.
Côté, S. D. 1996. Mountain goat responses to helicopter disturbance. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24: 681-685.